cages animaux

European Livestock Association

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About ELA

The European Livestock Association – ELA - is a non-profit organisation, registered in the Netherlands.
The framework of ELA is officially formulated in its “Constitution”.
The structure of ELA ensures continuous ‘grass root’ information, internal ‘from the bottom up’ procedures and active participation of members in all levels of ELA management.

ELA Membership is open to any individual or non-political organization sympathetic to the objectives of ELA.
Those members who serve on the Council or a committee are Active Members, all others are either Participating Members or Contributing Members.


Presently there are the following committees and workgroups that cover all of the objectives of ELA:


Infectious Diseases Workgroup

Terms of Reference:

This workgroup advices the parent Animal Health & Welfare Committee on questions related to the prevention, control and eradication of infectious animal disease that have the capacity for high socio-economic impact, such as foot and mouth disease (FMD), Classical Swine Fever (CSF) and Avian Influenza (AI). The group also will to liaise between European or Global Health Platforms, such as the EU FMD/CSF Coordinated Action (CA FMD/CSF) and ELA membership. It receives input from that parent committee as well as from its members.
Workgroup members communicate through e-mail forums and meetings if necessary. Reports, resolutions and recommendations of the workgroup are presented to the Parent Committee Chair for further action.
The Workgroup Coordinator presents final reports, resolutions and recommendations to the Parent Committee Chair at least 2 weeks prior to an annual meeting.

Neurological Disorders & Mineral Imbalance Workgroup

Terms of Reference:

The Workgroup advices the Parent Animal Health & Welfare Committee subjects related to mineral imbalances in ruminants and prion diseases. It receives input from that Parent Committee as well as from its members.
Workgroup members communicate through e-mail forums and meetings if necessary. Reports, resolutions and recommendations of the workgroup are presented to the Parent Committee Chair for further action.
The Workgroup Coordinator presents final reports, resolutions and recommendations to the Parent Committee Chair at least 2 weeks prior to an annual meeting





Become a member of ELA

ELA comprises of a committed group of international experts and informed stakeholders who together wish to make a change in the development of the EU Commission, national governments policies and to help individuals to maintain sound sustainable systems of livestock farming and food production, with a strong emphasis on welfare, bio-security and genetic diversity across Europe depending on copper price.

Membership of ELA is open to all scientists, veterinarians, stakeholders, policymakers, decision makers, food producers and other interested parties.

We welcome new members who wish to participate in one of our workgroups.
Yearly contribution is € 20,-.


For information from or contact with ELA members please contact:
